curatorial work
Co-inhabiting biodiversity:
Artistic research exercises on Araucania
2 - 10 December
Universidad de la Frontera
Pucon, Chile
Artistic residencies provide a possible time-space to immerse oneself in an investigation that goes from the physical to the philosophical: What spaces do we inhabit? With whom do we inhabit? How do we inhabit? Artistic research related to the environment obtains the capacity to generate psycho-physical dialogues between different dimensions of knowledge; an opening to multi-species interaction, an apparently forgotten language, a distortion/expansion of temporalities and changes in the perception of the environment. Through an uncertain immersion, residencies can be understood as a methodology that allows the coexistence of different knowledge and feelings, experiences, places, cultures and biodiversities. Promoting an artistic production that dialogues, criticizes, accepts, speculates and questions other knowledge present in the territory is what unites us as institutions.
Araucanía offers an extremely fertile scenario from which to approach the socio-environmental crisis. Through a transdisciplinary perspective that attempts to relearn scales that escape the traditional means of representation. Our residency programs encourage a paradigm shift, to bring closer the distant relationship we have built with nature; inserting art as an interlocutor medium.
The works in this exhibition reflect the work of artists who have participated in our residency programs; manifestations that emanate from co-inhabitation and reflection on the socio-environmental issues facing the waters, forests, fungi and species of this part of the world. In different formats, Co-inhabiting Biodiversity invites us to re-discover the forest from the darkness, travel through the waters and visualize the threats that biodiversity faces. It is not necessary, it is urgent to re-connect with diverse ecologies and to break down the boundaries between nature and culture; the main objective that has called us to be part of this alliance, the Green Art Lab Alliance, in these acts of co-inhabitation.
Co-inhabiting Biodiversity was organized in the context of gala Fest 2 in Bosque Pehuen, to learn more about it click here

Photo by Josefina Astorga

Photo by Josefina Astorga

Yasmine Ostendorf + Rommy Gonzalez + Andrea Spikker Photo by Josefina Astorga

Claudia Muller Montes

Photo by Josefina Astorga

Yasmine Ostendorf + Rommy Gonzalez + Andrea Spikker Photo by Josefina Astorga
Co-curated with Maya Errazuriz (Fundacion Mar Adentro)
+ Olaf Boswijk (Valley Of The Possible)
Living Riddles (2023), video
Andrea Galano
Multiversos (2023), photography
Nicolas Amaro
Linea de corte (2022), photography
Agencia de Borde
Frontera Liquida (2021), video
Claudia Muller Montes
Tray-tray ko (2022), video
Seba Calfuqueo
As Above, So Below (2021), video
Mark IJzerman + Sébastien Robert
Bioplastics Hypha (2019), algae-based bioplastics
Margarita Talep
I am woman, I am hunter (2022), video
Rngrang Hungul
Let's Become Fungal! posters (2023), prints
Yasmine Ostendorf + Rommy Gonzalez + Andrea Spikker