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Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.48.22.png

Local Fungi that look like human body parts


Digital video-installation



Nicolas Oyarce, video co-direction

Seba Rodar, 3D Model

To glorify each bodies' complex contructions

we generate synergy with the funga that live inside and on us

the sharing of our body with other beings

our physique as a fertile territory for life to thrive

and some fungal sexualities looking like parts of our human anatomy

a symbiotic, ecosexual approach to transformation

in this interspecies performance that goes beyond our sensitive borders

Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.42.34.png

Observing some fungi's sporomes -or fruiting bodies-, we can notice that their forms resemble other organic structures, other tissues belonging to species from other Kingdoms of Life. We can find fungi that look like brains, other intestines, a lot of genitalia, a heart, and a breast with a nipple. Even the common names of some allude to parts of the human body such as Xylaria polymorpha, dead man’s fingers, or Hydnellum peckii, the bleeding tooth.

In the pandemic context, the collective consciousness that emerged around the microorganisms that surround us allows us to see how our bodies are fertile substrates for the proliferation of microorganisms; in our feet, in our genitals, in our armpits, in our mouths, in our hair, in our intestines and everywhere.

The interconnections between both ideas are translated into Local Fungi that look like human body parts, a digital (Virtual Reality) video installation composed of a 3D model of a decomposing body, where mushrooms that resemble the organ where it is located bear fruit, and the video where a diversity of bodies that transgress the hegemony of binarism grow species of Chilean funga, on their body. The invitation is to think of our bodies as not only our own, to live in symbiosis with the microorganisms with whom we share it, and to recognize each human body as a unique and endangered ecosystem.


Video Credits



Juan Ferrer

Nicolás Oyarce



Selva González


Executive production

Museo del Hongo


Maltrato Films

paulaESP Producciones

Art Direction

Nicolás Oyarce

Juan Ferrer

Make-up Artist

Fernanda Acuña
Art & Make-up assistant

José Francisco Calbacho



Alejandra Torres

Lighting technique

Pedro Tugas

Edit and post-production

Nino Isensee

Nicolás Oyarce


Seba Calfuqueo
Rocío Hormazábal
Demian Sánchez

Caleb Gutrod
Gabi Superqueer

José Francisco Calbacho

Huga González Escobar

Luta Cruz
Gael Romeo

Paula Yermén Dinamarca

Alicia Cardona

Text adaptation and voice

Isabel Torres


Texts based on
Furci, G. Hongos de Chile, Vol. I (2016) Fundación Fungi. Santiago, Chile.
Furci, G. Hongos de Chile, Vol. II (2018) Fundación Fungi. Santiago, Chile.

Ubillos, F.J. Cofradía Vasca de Gastronomía, www.fichasmicologicas. com País Vasco.

Music by
Daniel Marabolí

Futuro Fósil

Random Atlas

Roman S Persona

Andrea Paz

Alex June

Cholita Sound

Dj Haiti

Special thanks to
Pablo Calisto

Giuliana Furci

Fundación Fungi
Rosario Riveros

Camila Garretón

Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.43.39.png
Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.47.01.png
Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.49.04.png
Hongos que parecen partes del cuerpo humano (2020).00_10_02_10.Imagen fija009.tif
Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.41.10.png
Captura de pantalla 2020-08-26 a la(s) 18.52.24.png

This video was made by a collective of non-binary bodies living in Santiago, Chile in August 2020. The casting represents in each act, a mixture of feminine and masculine attributes as well as the representation of fantastic bodies, reconstructing anatomies with gadgets inspired by ten mushrooms present in Chile.

To all who were part of this project, we want to thank you for this opportunity to experiment with the semiotic complexity that constitutes the act of gender construction and the charge of its meaning through history, in this performative metaphor in relation to the Fungi Kingdom.

Showcased at






Noᴻ-conforming_XXX curated by Juan Ferrer

Iquique's Regional Museum

Del cielo al agua y lo que está en el centro curated by Joselyne Contreras and Valentina Montero

Museum of Contemporary Arts, Parque Forestal

El baile de los ke sobran curated by Sofia Monzerratt

Copacabana Club, New York City

Ex-centrico: Critic Pornographies Film Festival curated by Nicolás Ríos, Jorge Benavides and Inti Gallardo

A Fungus Garden curated by Juan Ferrer

Ars Electronica Festival

Iquique, Chile

Santiago, Chile

New York, USA

Santiago, Chile

Linz, Austria

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