artists work

Co-extinción (WIP)
360º video
Cristobal Dilunar, sound design and music
Acknowledging the reality that we are not individuals, that a human being is composed of a multiplicity of organisms, makes us rethink the notion of the individual and the socioecological consequences of an inhabiting that separates Nature and Culture. Microbiota in and on our bodies allow us to understand that we know life as it is because of symbiosis; fungi and many others living on our skin, inside our guts, and everywhere, encouraged evolution to the point we are now.

Beginning at 45 mt. height, with a panoramic view of the Amazon rainforest at dawn, Co-extinción reflects on scales, languages, and the inner jungle. If symbiosis, cooperation, and collaboration, allowed us to evolve, what can we learn about micro-symbiosis to take it to macroscopic models of co-habitation? How to re-learn nature’s language? what are the teachings of building relationships with our micro-companions?
Through a 360º video collage of macro and microscopic imagery, the journey in Co-extinción is an invitation to imagine and speculate about interspecies collaboration, community, and connectedness in a world facing extinction.

The 360º footage in this video was made during the residency program
LabVerde: Speculative Ecologies
in Manaus, Brazil, in August 2023.
At the ZF2 Tower located within the INPA (Brazilian National Institute for Amazonian Research) Cuieiras forest reserve, and the Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke,

Deep gratitude to Lilian Fraiji, Bruna Curcio, and all the LabVerde team for an incredible experience.
<3 Thanks to Cristobal Dilunar for bringing the words into the atmospheres and inner jungles, and Rulan Tangen for that improvised dance of the death <3