artists work

Arbuscular mycorrhizæ
Digital collage
variable sizes
Dr. Patricia Silva-Flores, microscopic images
Through the Fungi experience, we can question the concept of 'individual' because of the symbiotic relationships we find. The mycelial body of the fungus generates a powerful filamentous network of transformation, creating new interspecies structures and dynamic communicational and nutritional systems. In these relationships, the parts were able to make a life in places where none could have survived alone. So where does one species begin and where does the other end?

This idea of symbiosis is opposed to the predominant currents in the evolutionary thought of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, according to which the strongest live to fight another day. With the awakening of the symbiotic hypothesis, evolution could no longer be thought of solely in terms of competition and individualism, where it was concluded that species arose by diverging from one another. However, in the Fungi symbiosis, we see convergence.

Showcased at
Crafting Sustainables Futures curated by NYU Libraries
Mamdouha Bobst Gallery, New York University
Science Friction curated by María Ptqk
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Science Friction curated by María Ptqk
CCCB: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
New York City, USA
Bilbao, Basque country
Barcelona, Spain